The BC/YK Section is excited to announce a Canskate Program Update and Refresher for coaches. The update will be held September 7 & 8 at Burnaby 8 Rinks. The cost to attend the two day course will be $80 per registrant. The clinic will run approximately 8am to 5pm each day.
The moderator is Skate Canada's Canskate Learning Facilitator, Mary-Liz Wiley. Mary-Liz will go over changes to the Canskate program as well as give ideas to enhance and update a club's Canskate Program.
Those wishing to attend must fill complete the registration form by the deadline of Monday August 19, 2019.
We encourage Clubs to help support coaches to attend the Canskate Update & Refresher as the knowledge they learn at this clinic can be brought back to be shared among their club, region and peers. Coaches are also eligible to receive CEP points for attending the Canskate Update and Refresher.