Photo Credit: Danielle Earl Photography

Since 1997 the Athlete Support Fund has supported provincial athletes with scholastic bursaries to advance their education while remaining active in figure skating. Over the past 24 years, more than $70,000 has been distributed to athletes. Thanks to generous donations and successful fundraising efforts, the Athlete Support Fund remains committed to supporting the educational and athletic goals of skaters across the province.

50/50 Draws

The Athlete Support Fund Committee would like to thank everyone who has supported our 50/50 draws.

Congratulations to our 2024-25 season 50/50 winners!:

2024 Super Series SummerSkate T. Mapoles Kelowna $720.00
2024 Skate Canada Ice Summit C. Mabee Ontario $1,167.50
2024 Super Series Victoria Day  T. Cannell Vancouver $1,120.00

Please watch for 50/50 Draw information during the following 2024-25 competitions:

Autumn Leaves

BC/YT Section Championships

Super Series Final

Rose Sales

The Athlete Support Fund Committee will be selling roses at the following competitions:

2024 Super Series Autumn Leaves

2024 Super Series Final

Athlete Support Fund Bursary Recipients

The Athlete Support Fund is proud to assist skaters who have been or are currently on the BC/YT Team, or have achieved at least 3 of the 4 Gold Test Assessments, and are furthering their post-secondary education. 

The 2024 Bursary Recipients will be announced shortly.